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cello instruction and child development


First-Time Students

New cello students who would like to enroll in the studio should generally be between 4 and 8 years old (though I am happy to discuss exceptions to this guideline). Children and parents are not required to have had any prior musical training. Admission is entirely dependent on the family’s readiness to learn as determined by the teacher.


*Please do not rent or purchase an instrument without talking to me first.*

Getting Started

To get acquainted with the program I offer, please complete the following orientation steps:


  1. Read through my Studio Policies & Fees

  2. I have very limited places in my studio available at this time. View my current availability here. You are welcome to join my waiting list if no times are available.

  3. Use the booking link above to schedule a casual in-person interview where we can work together to decide if this is the best fit for your child.

Transfer Students

I accept a limited number of transfer students into my studio. Admission is dependent on how well I feel the child and parent would fit into the studio. Please complete the orientation steps above and schedule a trial lesson if you are interested in joining the program. For trial lessons, students should come prepared to perform a polished piece that represents their ability on the instrument.

Questions? Contact me here

Thanks for your message!


Lessons take place at Ruby's studio in Summer Hill.

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